Saturday, June 18, 2005

When v bid Adios....!!!

I was just talking to a friend of mine today, someone who graduates from high school this year. And the conversation turned to parting. We've all been there, done that. Stood there, on that last day of school...on a day like that, it doesn't matter whether you hated school or loved it, whether you just passed your exams or came out top of your class. All that matters is the sudden nostalgia that hits you, even when you're still standing there with all the people you went to school with. All that matters is those memories, which flood your brain, memories of studying for exams, panicking over unfinished homework, working side by side on the big, year ending, annual school musical, chilling during lunch break, losing races and having a hearty laugh about it on Sports Day, sitting in the back row and spending the entire class talking nonsense, getting caught for it, getting yelled at for it...all that.

And so much more.

And in the blink of an eye, somehow, all those memories flood your brain. And you look around at the people you've spent the last 10 odd years of your life with, the people you've literally GROWN UP with, in every sense of the word. And there's real beauty in that moment. That moment holds, for each of us, an epiphany. We have it right there and then, even if we don't realize it instantly. There will never be another place quite like school, we realize. We'll never love or hate or FEEL so PASSIONATELY about anything else like we feel about school. About how we hated our dorky uniforms but at the same time loved the almost ceremonial act of putting on our school blazer...-------admit it-----, you thought it was cool and all grown up to put on a jacket! It's a beautiful little epiphany, it's a rite of passage. As clichéd as it sounds, its the closing of a chapter, the start of a new one. There has never been as much possibility anywhere else as there is in that single moment. But where there is brand new possibility, there is also uncertainty. There is also fear.

All our lives, in school, we were protected. Things were done for us...everything was ordered, everything was so settled, so...ARRANGED. There was no uncertainty. We bitched about homework, but we never went to bed worried about an uncertain tomorrow or a shaky future. The luxuries of childhood, something we can never quite enjoy ever again.

But the possibility and promise of a great new adventure always overcomes fear...thank God for that. But in that moment, along with nostalgia, along with the possibility, along with the epiphany, along with the fear (it's a complex moment, yes)...there is also, ultimately sadness. All these people we've grown up with, all these people we've stood shoulder to shoulder with... we make promises to stay in touch, we hug each other, we shake hands, we're never going to forget each other we say.

And yet, somehow, we do.

A lot of them, we haven't seen since then. Some of them, we don't even know what they're doing. Some of them are still our best friends. Some of them, let's face it, we'll probably never seen again. Thinking about it even now, all these years (seven and a half) after leaving school, it still makes me want to cry sometimes. But yet, the sadness is kinda beautiful too. Because everytime you remember, you smile. Everytime you remember, you realize one thing.

You belonged, and will always belong to something special. Something beautiful.

So, as school ends for you Anirudh, i'm going to toss you a few clichés. I guess the only reason a cliché is a cliché is because nothing fits a particular situation quite like it does. So Anirudh.

Never forget

At the same time, don't judge whatever you do next in terms of..."school was so awesome, this'll suck"


Do what you what you do, or you're in trouble. I learned this the hard way.

And most importantly, remember one thing. No matter what, your school friends (aside from your family) are the people who knew you first, in fact they might know you better than your family, because they see your devious side too. Your school friends...they're your first friends. There will be friends as awesome as them. But they'll never be the same as them.


Blogger Hijake said...

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3:16 PM  
Blogger Hijake said...

great timing...*sniff*..especially since we have our school re-union tomorrow. *sniff sniff*

3:16 PM  
Blogger harsha said...

that post brought tears in my eyes!!it almost helped me re-live the best moments of my skool days!!

great one...kayce.....*:)

11:19 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

loulyy...esp coz mez in tht phase...

8:54 PM  
Blogger Netaji said...

what about ur coll(MBA) frends. arent they important?

10:05 PM  

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