Tuesday, April 26, 2005

" Y "

The urge to be unique....

Its important to ppl not just to be right.. but to be only ones who are right.. there is always a white or black.... its almost never like ur right and so am I

When ppl say I am trying to do something different... I wonder why different? Why can't one try do something good.. not different.. dont strive to be different... strive to be wat U R...

The goodness in what one might do might be the fact that it is fresh or new..

When I think of religious tolerance I wonder... why does it matter for a person that only his path to the lord is right and not the others.. why can't he be content with his path being right.. why does anothers have to be wrong?

Racism.. Ego all have their roots in the same...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know exactly what u mean..i've encountered so many ppl here that think their religion is the way to heaven...if u're not catholic, u're going to hell...makes me wanna shake them till they get some sense...

btw...my first comment here...[:D] i'm sure u know who this is..hehe..

8:03 AM  
Blogger harsha said...

kayce.....trying to do something unique or different is wht makes one stand apart frm the crowd - giving way to innovation!!!and dun u think...thtzz the best way to make the world a better place to live in...
yeah...maybe...the religion thingie is really sad....ppl trying to gain many things in the name of religion...curse all of them...
all in all...an interesting post...[:)]

7:10 PM  

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