Sunday, March 05, 2006

The Game....

Every random dude seems to be tagging another random, being the ONE its on me to tag a few people here goes

Rules of the Game:
1. The tagged victim must come up with 9 different points of their perfect lover.
2. Need to mention gender of target.
3. Tag 3 victims to join this game and leave a comment saying they've been tagged.
4. If tagged again, there's no need to post a 2nd time. (OHH!! YAAYYY!)

(1)She should be a she. That would be nice. And vaguely endearing.

(2)She's got to *get* the joke. If she sits there re-enacting I Am Sam when everybody else is cracking up, not on.

(3)She's got to have the sort of haircut that suits her and the sort of hair I can run my fingers through. Hair. Turn-on of the century.

(4)She's got to be adventurous when it comes to sex, and willing to take control. Surprise me, I'm yours. Unless you're a guy.

(5)She's GOT to be able to power a conversation past "Wuzzap?" "NM".

(6)She's gotta be a good Kisser.

(7)She can't say "Yeah I *lurrrveee* Archie comics!" in response to the question "So do you like to read.

(8)Belly Button, oh yeah-Should have a good 'One'....Latest sexual fantasy.

(9)Should n Must be Good at Cooking.Period.

(10) (Ok I know 10 is cheating BUT) Space, must. have. own. space.


Blogger Frustrations Amalgamated said...

hey u demand a lot .............
All the best in finding your perfect woman

11:40 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

mama, Brazil lo samba dancers .... perfect nuvu adginate untaru. all the best.

tondaraga ninu evarana tag cheste chepey


5:55 AM  
Blogger Sameera said...

this tag has been repeated>

anyways this was what my friend hasan posted to me and i found it damn funny

please get a shoutbox on ur blog

2:13 PM  

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